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Weight loss surgery vitron c - weight loss surgery vitron c

01-02-2017 à 12:14:27
Weight loss surgery vitron c
This site has been extremely helpful to me and my mom who suffers from the same thing. Take it with OJ and do the same when ever you eat iron rich. My other symptoms have also been feet hurting inthe morning some numbness in the right side of face and tingling numbness in feet and hands. Just a tip for anyone anyone who has problems getting their iron levels up. The pain dissipates and then starts up after I take another dose. Good luck all of you, I know what you are going through. On that note, I have found, and new studies show that gluten free foods that are popping up everywhere are NO better and can cause same problems. Red blood cells low at 4. I am hoping to see this improve with the iron supplements in a few weeks along with change in my diet. I suffer with a lot of the symptoms listed above, particularly fatigue and dizziness but it was only when my hair started breaking off (something people could physically see) that I started to get listened too. He had been diagnosed as athsmatic but now the Dr thinks not as his lung function is no different if he takes his inhalers ect or not. I am taking Iron sulfate 325mcg three times a day and have had no grain (ok one bowl of oatmeal last week) and no added sugars - I cut my fruit back to 2 servings a day and eating lots of meat, vegetables and increased healthy fats big time. I am wondering is my potassium really low again or because I am anemic now is that why I can not even move. Are there any supplements out ther that will help her. HAve your stool checked for blood with simple hemocult cards from Dr office to rule out a gastrointestinal bleed). I think many docs order the iron and infusions but never fix the problem causing it. 5 and hematocrit was 28. The cardiologist found 2 blockages in his main artery and placed 2 stents in the artery. I woke up the next morning feeling not just okay, but happy. My daughter is in her 29th week of pregnancy and going today for her 1st iron transfusion. It was after taking Omeprazle that my blood levels changed so I was wondering if anyone else had experience with a drug inhbiting acid might interfere with nutrient absorption. My menstrual cycle is very regular, but extremely heavy. My lab results say: iron 39 (standard 52-150), TIBC 512 (standard 240-400), % saturation 8 (standard 15-50). Also, has anyone ahd any gastro issues with low iron anemia. Sugar level was 78 which they said was good. Colon cancer is a common cause of low iron levels, and the sooner it is detected, the better the chance of catching it early and not dying from it. I have by diagnosed DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding). Prior to that I had an iron infusion for anemia with a ferritin level of 7. I have first hand knowledge of food allergies and suggested to my sister she put my nephew on a milk free diet. Update -- took an ambulance ride to ER last Thu. I would like to make the solutions to this problem more accessible to people who are suffering. My wife has been anemic it seems all her life. He said to take it with orange juice since vitamin C increases the absorbancy. ) and the next step we should take to unravel this increasingly frustrating situation for my son and us (he essentially is stumbling through life half asleep). Notice breakthrough symptoms during the day and maybe the symptoms become abdominal. It is hard to continue to hold life together when you feel like absolute crap every moment of every day. The next stage after ferritin (iron stores) have been depleted is iron deficiency anemia where your red blood cells in the marrow are made smaller and therfore cannot carry as much oxygen. All Consumer Professional Pill ID Interactions News FDA Alerts Approvals Pipeline Clinical Trials Care Notes Encyclopedia Dictionary Natural Products. I have tried dozens of iron formulas and had a bad time with most of them. Ive has several test done to find out why my hemaglobin is always so low i stay at a 7 even tho im getting iorn therapy every month. I got my doctor to agree to an iron infusion and I am looking forward to seeing how this will affect me. Now I am watching all the foods that inhibit iron absorption. Remove the symptoms by fixing or treating the cause- not the symptom. I also have low ferritin with a normal hemoglobin. I also have a strict dairy free diet and keep a lighter weight. I have noticed that some of you have experienced craving for ice. The medics have done front line tests and come up with nothing, except depression. I had a weird virus two years ago that usually only people with HIV get (so some mysterious immune thing was going on). I too struggle with the inability to take the supplements due to belly upset. Was checked out, blood pressure fine, sugars fine, not a stroke or heart attack although I felt I could pass out again. So - my question - as I think this is a problem related to blood loss and as my fatigue was noticably different at different times of the month, can a blood test that was taken when I was sort of ok be accurate - i. I have been fighting the exhaustion battle for almost two years. It seems like the more iron I take the more it drops. Fatigue has been a constant and it gets harder to manage My ferritin stays low and has gotten down to to 2 at one point. I had massive fatigue during my pregnancy and was told by each OBGYN in rotation that I was older now and the 3rd pregnancy was always the worst. I really just wanted to say I am so glad I found this site. RBCs live about 120 days so it takes a couple three months to see a difference usually in iron supplementation. The actual iron in it is bound in casein- a milk protein- and so its absorbed in the intestine and NOT the stomach like ordinary iron products. I am wondering if I need blood transfusion and some iron injections. I am on ferrous sulphate 325mg twice daily prescribed by my consultant who has said that my serum ferritin is low. It is becoming hard to drive with the lack of concentration, dizziness and heart flutters. It takes about 2 weeks for milk to leave your systems so you will have to be milk free longer than 2 weeks to see any results. I have 2 kids and work full time and am really struggling to keep it all together. I gave the nurse my symptoms, the doctor told her to tell me to go to the ER if I felt that bad. When added to an infusion bag containing 0. I have heart palpatations, joint pain, and lots of other stuff. In May it was rechecked and hemoglobin was 8. Pylori as bacteria loves iron. for bleeding out ect. But the symptoms always have included shortness of breath bowel trouble fatigue sleeping trouble and waking up with jittery internal shakes. All tests have been neg. Evidently I have such a heavy period that no matter how much iron I take, I lose too much blood every month for it to do any good. My husband and I are very frustrated and need answers but so far nothing on what is causing this. Hi everyone I have been having a ton of strange symptoms that my doctor had no answer for over a year now the worst part is that they seem to come and go so I can never get an answer. Have any of you had stool samples done to eliminate a bleed in your bowel. 9% sodium chloride injection, USP, at concentrations ranging from 2 mg to 4 mg of iron per mL, Injectafer solution is physically and chemically stable for 72 hours when stored at room temperature. Administer Injectafer intravenously, either as an undiluted slow intravenous push or by infusion. If someone knows a good website where I can find more than generalities, I would appreciate it. 8 but I have been fighting a lot of respiratory issues started with bronchitis and than christmas back at the ER and was diagnosed with pleurisy. I just finished my dietitian internship, and during my internship, I met a lady on the surgery ward who had just had part of her colon removed after it was discovered that she had colon cancer. She asked for a colonscopy to rule out blood loss from colon cancer. Gominak on Vitamin D, B12 and iron deficiency Points out how low vitamin d can cause low b12 and iron. For instance, my sister had been having major stomach issues. Sounds like you need an infusion to have a full load of iron all at once. Recently, friends have decided that I need to be seen for depression. He will sleep 12 hours a night, be exhausted all day, nap for 2-3 hours at various times during the day and still be grouchy, and then go to bed and fall asleep right away. She has now gotten worse than before. Just had my 3rd child and 3rd c section in February 2012. Fatigue, excess shedding of my hair, any basic exertion makes my heart race. I am so glad I found this site because although I am not yet sorted I no longer feel alone in this, my family are very supportive but for something you cannot physically see my lack of get up n go has also been frustrating for them when I used to be the first out the door. Hi Buffy - my story is very similar to yours except my ferritin is 40 (still in the normal range). I have also been unable to sleep through the night or even fall asleep some nights at all for a few months. I have had a history of very low ferritin. We need to address the CAUSE of the deficiency - either we are 1) losing blood (heavy periods or gastrointestinal bleed usually the cause) and fix that. Also, for b12 I wear patches I get from a company in Arizona 1-800-604-6766--------No Longer B deficient. She can barely walk a few steps before she is exhausted. We would see temporary improvement, but he hated the side effects. Prior to that I also had been diagnosed with chronic Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have had weight loss surgery. We, the small percentage out here are outside the statistical range. Then your roof numbers will start to drop. It gets in the way of socialising, of being engaged with work and with family life - not to mention the havoc that it causes my digestive system. As odd as this may sound, it was sort of a relief to find something after days of searching and that other people are also having some difficulties but are still doing their best to live their lives. I have been on ferrous gluconate for years to deal with it. They have bad days and good days like the rest of us. Could someone please tell me what kind of iron tabs to buy when the dr. I will see a specialist in 3 months for blood work, and am having an untr asound in week for my abdomen. I can barely move or drive when it happens. Frustration has overcome my body, which is most likely causing me to be very anxious. I will post my next test results of ferritin probably. Is iron deficiency without anemia the main problem we should be investigating. C to the pharmacy for me to pick up tomorrow. I have very very heavy periods which could be the cause. So glad i found this site, explains a lot. Recently I have had an ablation to end my menstrual cycles in hopes to improve my levels as oral iron supplements did not help. About 2 yrs ago, he saw a nephrologist because our primary care doctor suspected his kidneys were being affected by the high blood pressure and diabetes. I have been anemic for as long as I can remember. They gave me an iron infusion and it came up a little but then it would drop again over the course of 3 to 4 months. I had not realized Iron deficiency could cause all these symptoms. I have been anemic for nearly 2 years and had a lot of misdiagnosis along the way, I have been treated with blood transfusions as I also have a blood disorder but am about to have my first iron infusion and I am really hoping it helps. A few months ago I began to experience aching in my arms, as well I have had extreme fatigue for many more months. My doctor only pays attention to me when i become anemic. Saw my doc who decided on maintenance therapy. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with me. My iron sat and iron are still at 5 and 7, they never seem to improve, with anything. who understood her condition. Doctors can be less than helpful when it comes to iron and anemia symptoms. Within about 4 weeks we noticed a huge difference in his weight and attitude. I Have IDA as well as most of you and have recently been refereed to a hemotalagist. 2 hct from 40. Took myself off of gluten and my tummy has never felt better. This is what I have learned so far on this journey to mend my blood. I had been taking Integra F once a day which did not bring up my Ferrin rate ( at four currently) I am still anemic and my white and blood cell count has halved in two since the needed blood trasfussion back in Sept. Never feel like I am asking the right questions. 15-5. I had a bad gallbladder removed 6 months ago. I am just searching for anything at this point. Also (sorry) two tablets is double the dose of one - could I be taking too much iron. The hematologist has put me on Venofer treatment once every two weeks, while the gyn is having me get every type of ultrasound available and has put me on cyclokapron during my period to try to control the bleeding. I had gastric bypass surgery last June and my iron is dropping every time I go to my follow up. I have taken two kids and myself through this process and will help if you want. They are now checking her for leukemia and a clotting factor deficiency. I AGREE with Annette and Kate who mentioned DIET. I get iron infusions occasionally but only when my hgb. Had my levels done at the begging of this month. Colonoscopy showed nothing wrong there but blood test showed my platelets slightly high. I was also hospitalized 2 years ago with acute cholesystitis and had to have my gallbladder removed. Naomi, I, like you, felt really alone until I read all of these comments. Have been to see another consultant and was asked as to why I was taking iron supplements as my iron level was normal. I went in, asked where the restroom was and the next thing I knew I was on the floor and someone was asking me if I was ok. My Vit. Then they had to deter me from being a possible blood donor until I am better. By milk free, I mean all milk. I also take 3 vitamins at a time and make sure to take with a meal high in iron. Gluten intolerance is a MAJOR cause of unexplained anemia, thyroid issues, autoimmune responses, fatigue, psychological issues, and much more. I started to experience stomach pain and burning, so I stopped it after they found I had developed intestinal bleeding from the advil. My answer is stay away from grains and sugars period (read WHEAT BELLY). So while I search and try to feel better I have had good luck with the gentle iron and the above combination of minerals and vitamins, it is not a cure, but it has been helpful for me. This is her story: She had had a colonoscopy about 1 to 2 years ago, and was not due for another colonscopy for another 5 years post her last colonscopy. I do have heavy periods which are controlled with birth control pills. My mom had mylodisplasia syndrome and I am concerned this is the onslot of it but they have yet to do a bone marrow test and I am not quite sure why not. My doctor has given me some iron medication, but all I do is throw them up. What my concern is currently is that I have been on this ride for approximately five years with an average level of 7. Must be on a gluten free diet in order for the villi to grow back and takes strict adherence to the diet. I am looking for causes--I know bleeding somewhere in the body could be a cause but I had a colonoscopy in the last 5 years along with a endoscophy which diagnosed GERD and take an acid inhibitor everyday. Though my ferritin and hb levels remain low and my symptoms continue, to know I am not alone in suffering with this is a real comfort. The first 2-3 days of no sugar or grains was hard but I ate lots of fat and that makes a big difference. This can be done with a simple blood test for transglutaninase Antibodies (tTGA). I signed up for a bi-annual blood drive that has been held at my school hoping that my iron levels were normal. I am now ruling out spinal stenosis before I say this is from anemia. Its been down hill since, because of getting no true cause answers and getting more frustrated and worse by the day started seeing a hematologist by this time I had paid another visit to the ER this time for low potassium and magnesium and hemo was getting lower. I had fatigue, no energy, low iron etc. I feel like there is something really wrong. Also, the heavy periods, through perimenopause is also being looked into. Dylmansmom- I have the same problems with the iron my doctor prescribed makes me extremely sick and I cannot take it. I got the results back about two months ago which is how I found out. I do not think that this is the main source of my condition, this may be secondary. My RBC, HGB, and HCT seem to stay just under the normal range. Each vial of Injectafer is intended for single-use only. My iron and ferritin were really low and I felt what you are describing. So, these holes were patched up by a fancy new procedure in 2004. As my iron, ferritin and B12 have gone up, most symptoms have all improved. The heart pounding and pulsing in my ears immediately stopped after 2 units of blood. I had so many different symptoms, even depression, anger, and sadness. Hi, I am 17 years old and I know very well that I have anemia through the news of my school nurse. He also ran a hemocult test which was negative. It can be due to other reasons but thesee are the most common. is below 9. I feel like I get really sick with the iron is 65 mg each one. Followed up with my GP and after a barrage of more blood test was told it was chronic disease anemia. My iron level is 4, my hemoglobin is 8, and my platelets 66. Low ferritin\iron and some other nutrients stops proper thyroid hormone metabolism which equals feeling rubbish. I am feeling better as far as joint pain - practically none - i cannot beleive the difference - but still tired when I climb stairs or try to run. Why all of a sudden did I become iron defficient. For the past few days I have been in tears and feeling completely helpless. Long story short, I went off of gluten twice, once 2 years ago for a short time, only be told by the drs. I have had these symptoms for YEARS with no relief. Mind you, I have been seeking help from doctors, and in recent years from hematologists, since 2002 -- all to no avail. Check that you have not got a bacterial infection like H. He started giving her iron transfusions and they really worked. I also make a point to eat iron rich foods, cook on cast iron (I read that trace minerals can be absorbed), and I also juice kale and spinach and drink wheat grass daily. The iron supplements from blueskyvitamin. I developed RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome), muscle cramps, insomnia, and could hear my pulse in my ears. I have always eaten a diet high in iron, until october of last year I have always had a high iron count and low vitamin d. I started feeling unwell about 7yrs ago after a vertigo attack, was found later when felt no better to have inner ear damage. I have similar symptoms as many of you, tired, heavy legs when I do cardio, hepalpitions, lower leg bone pain, first one to go to bed, etc. When I started supplementing with iron, there was a dramatic improvement to how I felt - within 30 minutes of eating beef washed down with iron water, I suddenly got restored circulation in my toes which started to hurt as they warmed up again. 1. Ladies A Moment: 10 Health Screenings That All Women Need. I have struggled with being dizzy, memory loss, heart palpitations, anxiety (because of the former items) and utter fatigue and exhaustion. Yesterday, received another 1000 mg iron infusion. Have also had,MANY tests that ruled out any internal bleeding. 8 to 14. a glass of something a day is shown to improve ferritin levels. My anemia adventure started back in August 2011. As of Wednesday of last week, I have been blacking out, dizzy, weak, feeling nauseated, completely exhausted, headache, and feel like my insides are always shaking. OR 2) Not absorbing the iron from our diet or the supplement. Can someone please tell me what to expect after the infusion and is being extremely tired part of the symptoms. My gynecologist performed a uterine ablation and it was like someone flipped the energy switch on. You need to keep bugging your doctor to get sorted. When administered via infusion, dilute up to 750 mg of iron in no more than 250 mL of sterile 0. Kept getting worse started seeing the hema in November had an Iron infusion first week of December my ferritin serum jumped up to 470 so now its high but my saturation is still low and my hema came up to almost normal 11. I have spent all day researching causes of low ferritin levels and those searches have led me to this site. After the transfusion, my mood has been extremely UP and I feel happier. After 3 weeks I do admit to feeling an improvement but I am starting to feel the exhaustion return. This is what the doctors came up with: excercise-induced asthma, GERD, periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) and ADD. Take iron- if you have gastric distress symptoms try IRON PROTEIN SUCCINYLATE. tells you to take 325 mgs of Ferrus Sulfate. 2-3. The Frame and support beams of your blood level house are the Iron, Ferritan, Saturation rate, TIBC. I felt like something was wrong with me because I am always tired I look forward to taking naps. I went to my doctor, did blood work, and was told my iron was high at 470. Morph to Jan 2009 when I woke up feeling like the truck that hit me in 2000 had backed up over me again. We repeated this test a month later and it had gone up to 580. I believe that thousands of people suffer from iron-deficiency anemia and are never properly diagnosed. In spring 2011 my iron level was at a four fo my doc put me on FerraMax, easier to absorb, when I went back 2 months later my levels dropped to 2. Iron replaces copper in the blood and tissue proteins and accumulates in multiple locations of the body, causing destruction and accelerating aging. Has anyone been so short of breath and needed transfusions or iron injections right away for it. I am so dependent on my husband, I feel like an infant. At this time my iron was normal everything out of wak was around my red blood counts and my protein was low. Avoid extravasation of Injectafer since brown discoloration of the extravasation site may be long lasting. Her Hgb is remaining low in spite of iron supplementation throughout pregnancy. I was told, over a year ago, that I have iron deficiency. I do feel less joint pain, less RLS, less weepy, but I do still have headaches and fatigue. I start my 1st iron infusion this thursday. Was sent home with instructions to go back to my Dr. My story I had Gastric Bypass and recently had it reversed. A brief history of my medical saga is that, although I was often sick as a child, after reaching puberty I was disgustingly healthy until the day after Thanksgiving in the year 2000. Yesterday evening while stopping to pick up a food order, I was cramping a little cause my cycle will be starting soon. But now I am totally confused as to whether I should actually be taking iron supplement or not. Is this low enough to be causing these symptoms. Then of course on top of that the anemia symptoms and low zinc and,roteins aghhh I feel terrilble, i am bedbound with fatigue, breathlesness and pain, and even typing this is hurting my arm muscles. Read the symptoms on the site I mentioned to see if you have it. Imagine how happy your body will be once you take away this toxin. Took me nearly 2hrs to have the energy to get up off the floor. Not a big deal and much easier than having to make monthly appointments with doctors and nurses. Turns out I had a very low iron binding factor-40 when it should be close to 100. They said I am ALMOST a candidate for the infusion. Other pregancy related symptoms include gross water-retention especially lower extremities and extreme nausea and vomiting. Iron levels were within normal limits for 8-9 months after infusions. Ive had rls for years and finally saw a sleep specialist who said my ferretin was 12 and said that alone could cause rls. They told me to change my supplement to Ferrus Gluconate and take it twice a day with vitamin c. Every time I take it I start feeling like I can not breath again. My hgb is slightly low, 10. Has anyone tried any herbal or supplements that worked better than ferrous sulfate. That is how long I have been seeing drs. Needless to say, I stated politely but firmly that he needed to either retire or get back into med school and I left. Had to get 2 units blood, spent a night in the hospital. I am interested in talking with people who went through similar experiences. I pretty much ignored the tiredness for a few months, when suddenly my hair started to shed badly. I am very worried about her as I watch her get progressively worse. My serum iron was only 40 and should be about 100. I PULVERIZE THE TABLETS WITH A FORK AND THEN MIX WITH ORGANIC CRANBERRY JUICE, ORANGE JUICE WAS TOO ACIDIC FOR ME. Three months later, she had the lab tests repeated, and her iron levels were still low. Later I found out from a REAL doctor that anemia causes your heart to flop around in your chest like a fish out of water. ). Never took the prescribed suppliments for the low vitamin d either and I ended up getting over the deficiency anyways. In February, my hemoglobin was 9. Just to give you all a bit more background info, we are a family with auto-immune problems, 3 with Thyroid all overactive in the beggining, now underactive except mine which over the years goes slightly over, then under then normal, 1 with chrones desease, 2 insulin diabetics and 2 who have iron injections every 3 months. 7 and my iron level was 3 so my primary care doc sent me to a hematologist. I understand how I can be diagnosed as depressed. After repeating the RBC a few months later, it was found I had a very low ferritin level--5--but was not yet anemic. What can be causing my rbc to always stay so low my dr is good but he hasent given me an answer on whats wrong with im looking for some answers please help. Wanting to cry all the time over nothing (went away as my numbers got better). I am prone to allergic reactions, but did not have any. My main symptom is feeling cold, and it has got to the point where the circulation to my toes and fingers is cut off in response. You name it, they tested it, probably twice and ruled it out. He has been on provigil, Adderall, clonidine, levo-dopa, asthma inhalers and Zantac at various times over the years. I am anemic and have had 7 iron infusions. after a few days you will feel alot better. My appetite is improving and sleep is a bit better. The one value TIBC saturation % basically though has never changed (been very low-from 2 to an 8). My heart is constantly racing, everything is an effort, constant headache and lightheadedness, Think the Dr is finally taking me seriously if a bit too slowly for my liking. I am now taking iron and am no longer anemic. Hi Mommy, I have B12 and iron deficiency anemia. I was given four units of blood, and a 24 hour stay in the hospital. 8. I had a hematologist that helped me after the original discovery and diagnosis, who has since retired. I was feeling really crappy and was having real bad back pain. As your iron warehouses empty (for whatever reason that is) your Sat, Iron, Ferritan numbers will drop and your TIBC will go up. The colonscopy showed colon cancer in the early stages, so she got surgery to remove the cancer. Has anyone ever had this done or know what exactly this means for me and my unborn child. Had been for another blood test before this instance and when seeing my Dr was told that my serum Iron was at 4, given iron tablets 200mg x 2 a day Have had an ecg done, waiting for a 24hr ecg monitor and appointment for heart x-ray, told not to do much til results are in. I think we forget what normal feels like but your doctor should be working with you to feel normal. The last doctor said to just wear compression shorts and never checked blood issues. also have a little alcohol. Being worked up for heavy menstrual period for cause but nothing unusual. I had 2 iron infusions in about 1. It is amazing how awful I felt prior to the transfusion. The following symptoms have disappeared: Extremely heavy periods with significant clotting, shortened intervals between periods, fatigue, shortness of breath with any type of exercise, restless legs at night, feeling of pounding heart, extreme coldness, joint pain and painful lumps in knuckle joints, significant monthly depression and irritation. I know it sounds like a stretch, but you would be surprised how much things we eat can affect our bodies. I have recently started taking HCL Betaine supplements with my iron to address absorption problems (WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN NAUSEA AND NO CONSTIPATION PROBLEMS) Here is my question: When ever I start taking iron supplements - I get intense aching in my hips and shoulders after a few weeks. She asks to do some tests, back comes a low ferritin of 18. Iron infusion iron gluconate x iron sucrose After 2 iron infusions with ferric gluconate I had a infusion with iron sucrose. Hello, New to the site and very frustrated and looking for anwsers, which I guesseveryone is. I have been feeling tired fatigued dizzy weak etc. I at least could get up and move around before a little bit. I have been taking B12 shots for 25 years. The villi in the small intestine are damaged and therefore cannot absorb the iron. Ive had the dizziness weakness (esp in my legs), tinlging in my hands and feet, vision issues, especially at night. The always wanting to move my legs is so frustrating as well. Then, my periods got extremely heavy and long. She said basically there is no iron in my body. com helped to bring my levels back to normal with the help of an additional copper intake (or by taking half a cup of sunflower seeds twice a day for a year which are full of copper). I had a hemorrhage after the birth of one of my children (so I am wondering about iron avidity) Exercise often gives me symptoms of arthritis - but those tests are normal as well. My Ferritin is 5. I have had an ablation to slow menstral bleeding down and I am on prilosec (acid reducer and ulcer healer) meds for the rest of my life along with other intestinal health supplements to optimize healthy digestive tract. Well I have had an iron deficiency for awhile now, I have had 2 blood transfusions and ofcourse, afterwards I felt very healthy. The GI workup is (-) so what else could it be and how do I get it worked up to know for sure. Thanks Female 53 who is sick of being sick and tired. with family, house, pets to take care of, and need to work. I have just found your website at 3:00am. I share many of the symptoms listed by most of you and quite frankly am just exhausted physically and mentally from this. My concern is whether they are missing something and maybe I have something else going on. Blood tests showed liver enzymes so i am a tad worried. I have not heard her mention her actual ferritin levels. I am so frustrated with the ignorance in the medical field about iron levels. I guess the one sure thing I would want to check is B Vitamin levels. The doctor sent me home with iron pills and told me to eat high iron foods. The dosage of Injectafer is expressed in mg of elemental iron. If you are interested in trying this, let me know. After doing some reading, I found that heavy periods can be caused by low iron and anemia which in turn worsen the iron stores and anemia. Until 2006 I was doing ok with a lot of meds, diet, exercise etc. I was feeling so hopeless, crying all the time, and just feeling so alone. Per request this section will focus on iron deficiency, which can be acquired or inherited. Now, just finished up my third iron infusion and waiting to see if it worked. most of my adult life. You should probably go back on another day when you have no inflamation and have the test repeated to know for sure. I am now 44 and have been told I have gluten intolerant and have intrinsic factor. was fibby, shocky, unable to sit or stand. I totally agree with Anette regarding the gluten. That 24 hour stay in the hospital was not fun, and my hair is still shedding. Three days on iron supplements and I could feel the fatigue beginning to lift. I have had problems with my iron level for years to the point sickle cell comes up with every doctor as being an understanding cause. However, he stays tired, irritable, and we noticed that he was gaining weight around the middle. I am on 100mgs of iron and tolerating well. 75. So we all have to wait until we pass out or bleed out to qualify for treatment. My doctor suspects mds altho 2 yrs ago marrow biopsy was normal. (HGB, HCT, Platelet count, Red Blood cell size).

I have some internal bleeding but my hematologist does not believe it is main cause of my anemia. My daughter was recently diagnosed with Celiac and her ferritin level was 4. I have a B-12 and Iron defieiceny and recieve monthly B-12 injections and ferritin infusions as needed. I am so great full to have found all of you. Now I am living a happier and more active life and I wish the best for you all. His entire life, he has had excessive sleep needs. My numbers keep falling and symptoms are worsening daily. I also felt like I needed to drop a line because in a way I felt like I was evesdropping. I have not had significant change in HGB, HCT or other CBC numbers, but my ferritin went up a lot, 16 to 44. When administering as a slow intravenous push, give at the rate of approximately 100 mg (2 mL) per minute. I have heavy periods which I suspect to be the culprit. But he has been placed on a lot of meds to control high blood pressure and cholestoral (3 different drugs for each), plus 1 med for the diabetes. even the milk that is found in processed foods (to know if it is there for sure you have to learn how to read labels). I was diagnosed with water mellon stomach and am waiting to see a consultant to see if this is the cause of the loss of iron. I have been trying to do some research to see if I should consult a hematologist. I want to encourage everyone to get colon screened if not by a simple blood stool test or a colonoscopy if you are near 50. I have no more bloating, gas, stomach cramps or pain. Could someone advise me if I have anemia. My doc called in Ferrous Sulfate, Vit. Has this happened to anyone else and can they help me. Ive just had infusion and three days on i feel much better. My husband has had a number of health issues in the past couple of years. I do appreciate any advice or even questions you think I should ask my doctor. I have had to find resources like this IDI website on my own. I went to the emergency room because I could not breath the doctor draw some blood and I was very low 8 hemoglobin, but he prescribe two tables a day before food of iron. After a few weeks on iron my rcb, hgb and hct have come up: rcb from 4. My doctor gave me a blood test and wrote to me saying that my blood stores were low and that I should take one or two 200mg iron tablets a day for a few months. I also have low body temperature and get times where I get waves of goose bumps and thx chills followed by lightheadnesz and sweating. D,and Vit. I also have been taking iron capsules and Vitamin D. A two week period I was at the tail end of, ended 2 days after the transfusion. My question is through reading some posts, some of you have said you felt depressed, if so how long did it take to recover while taking supplements or infusions for the depression to lift. I ask because I am writing a book on my experiences as a result of iron-deficiency anemia which I was unable to correct for 14 years. You must understand that when you are gluten intolerant, your stomach lining becomes so damaged that vital nutrients such as IRON can not be digested, and your brain literally starves for what it needs to function appropriately. Last five years have had Roseacea on face. Keep after you doctor to get your numbers up. Most of us are women. About a year or so after her colonsocopy, she was feeling tired and lab tests showed that she had low iron levels. I too have gone from digestive problems to low iron saturation. In my opinion you need iron supplement and to figure out why your iron is low. You have a good indication if you feel sick after taking iron (and antibiotics). Give Injectafer in two doses separated by at least 7 days. I have never heard of an iron infusion, maybe I should ask my doctor about this. I was in hospital yesterday having an iron infusion all day. I have struggled to take the supplements and have been scheduled with the hematologist to discuss infusions, which I am a bit leary of. Although I have better energy and less shortness of breath (I have problems walking up stairs or any hills) but I can usually walk on flat surfaces. It is 26. Donna- your HGB is probably within a normal range too right now, but with ferritin that low you are becoming fast iron deficient. I did start taking liquid iron instead of pills and that helped a little to raise my numbers. I have been taking them and have been able to raise my ferritin level from 2 to 28 in three months. Give Injectafer in two doses separated by at least 7 days. Have had many procedures and a stack of lab reports and inch high. After extensive tests to rule out gall bladder, colon problems, etc, and 2 trips to the emergency room, he saw a cardiologist. Sent to another hematologist for a second opinion and he seems to agree the problem is one of absorbtion. I have heat flashes, joint pain, abdominal issues, irregular bowel movements, high blood pressure, a resting heart rate of 92-102. I do know that she has received no dietary instructions to help raise her levels. I now realize I have to demand followup treatment and testing and perhaps go to a hematologist. Also, molasses is supposed to be great too. I think that I am so down because I am sick. I have recently been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. I cry all the time, because I cannot do the things I used to could. If anyone has any suggestions at all please let me know. Still a conundrum. As i sat in my next class preparing to write i was shaking while writing and i went to see my school nurse. on that note. I wish I had done so, when I could still walk well enough to get out to one. I, am 48, female and I, too, have IDA with a ferritin of 9 and normal hgb and hct. However, the thing that took me off the the GP (primary health care physician) was pica (non-food). I know everyone is different and this is such a complex thing. My FE is 29, and percentage of saturation is 8. I had low iron serum (53 mcg, range 45-160) and low saturation % (15, range 11-70). However, now it has turned out to be a huge burden on my entire family. Who knows how long it had been bleeding for. But,soon after that I lost my job and insurance and she can no longer receive the infusions. Specialist retested my beta and now liver counts and my beta is down to 5 so my immunity is compromised right now. Also after iron transfusion when I pee there is iron in bowl. My parents never had colon cancer screening, and by the time the colon cancer was discovered, it was too late. I DO have RLS and have had it for 30 years and I DO have migraines also and have had since childhood. I am 26 and currently pregnant with my second child. Most recently diagnosed with a rare condition, Erythromelalgia (EM) Which is condtion where the feet burn, and become very red, gets worse in the heat. As I have been reading all the comments here I am somewhat relieved that there is a world out there that understands the way anemia and low iron affects the body. 12 range 4. Look into yourself, google gluten intolerance and learn more about it for yourself. My iron level was ok though, at 51 although I was not fasting and the lab results say that my level could be falsely elevated because of that. My ferritin and hemoglobin levels are normal for the first time since 1998. These three things can also be linked to iron storage or absorption problems. Thank you to every one who has shared the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. So there must have been something wrong with what I wanted to add. Hello. In about a month he lost an additional 15 lbs. I discovered I had blood in my stool so had a colonoscopy done and found out that i had a bleeding polyp. Restless Leg, freezing, depressed, irritable, and I miss having a life. Also had the 250 mg infusions over several weeks last year. The website seem to accept my posting with no error messages, but the comment does not appear. I am hoping this is one of the symptoms because I am tired of being tired. Give each dose as 750 mg for a total cumulative dose not to exceed 1500 mg of iron per course. I was having SEVERE symptoms: dizziness, fatigue, exhaustion, confusion, lack of ability to focus, lack of awarenss of times, bad memory, overall fuzzy vision ect. After the 2nd infusion, I can tell a huge difference in my energy level. Your ferritin level may have been increased because of your inflamation. I am also glad that symptoms I even had before any of my pregnancies were not just in my head and that others are going through the same. hematologist and gastro. 12 to 4. Julie, I completely understand where you are coming from. I am up again with an upset stomach, insomnia and out of breath. I have learned more from this site than what her docs have relayed to her. I have seen a gynecologist and I will be going to pre-op the first week in July. Inspect parenteral drug products visually for the absence of particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. Has anyone else had wierd pains with anemia. Pre-natal vitamins contain a large amount of vitamins, including iron. I remember always having slight anemia throughout my life, but I just was actually diagnosed with it after going to the doctor because I have been getting daily headaches, feeling lightheaded almost all the time, nausea. Has anyone else experienced the need for iron transfusions in pregnancy. Questions to ask you guys: Have you noticed the RLS gets much worse as you get more anemic. Hi I have had low ferritin and low hemoglobin of 5. I am a 64 yr old diagnosed with primary (genetic) hemochromatosis. Seeing a hematologist but thinking I should see someone else (different speciality) any ideas on that as well. If anyone has any advise it would be greatly appreciated. Last check my iron level was 20 and hemoglobin 9. We found out about 8 months ago, through our own investigation, that my nephew (12 years old) has a milk intolerance. I am perimenopausal and bleeding slightly more but never really had any issues with my reproductive. it actually looks like a lupus rash but the one test I did for lupus came back normal. 6 and TIBC is 561 with total sat of 9. They help to ease some of your symptoms as your numbers get better, but that can take a little while. I am also going to ask my doctor about supplements. Aside from that, I would try to see if it is something that he is eating. I also take a iron free high B vitamin multi-vitamin. My ferritin level is critical and I have many unpleasant symptoms everyday including depression, pain in joints, numbness in feet and hands, extremely painfull shooting pains in arms, legs and tougue (yes, my tongue) that wake me up at night, restless leg syndrome, extreme fatigue. and the llist goes on. This is called iron deficiency and iron supplements and change in diet can boost your ferritin levels. high fibre- healthy greens and NUTS are all culprits due to their containg either Phytates-Oxalates-or Polyphenols. I am working out, but have gained no muscle in a year. She referred me to a heatologist and changed my oral iron Proferrin, supposedly the best oral iron there is. Finally I am having procedures to check for GI bleeding. She has been exhausted throughout the pregnancy, especially the last couple of months. I am a 65 year old women who has been in petty good health until some blood tests revealed I was borderline iron deficient. after muddleing for nearly four years with IDA I realised that SO much of what I was eating- was hindering my iron absorbtion. 9% sodium chloride injection, USP, such that the concentration of the infusion is not less than 2 mg of iron per mL and administer over at least 15 minutes. While it is comforting to know that others have had or are having similar experiences (although I wish no one had to go through the mystery of ID or anemia and all that it entails) I wonder what has been the best answer for some of those suffering with it. Dr will do test this week to see ferritin level. Im always super tired and never feel good at all and just dont know what to do anymore. I also get weak and feel nauseous often (still experiencing). Let me know if you are interested in sharing your story. I feel like life is going by, and I can not catch it. I just wanted to share what I knew as I have found your posts informative as well. My blood work is way out of whack Serum Iron was 2 Ferritin 2. He was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about 3 yrs ago. I also have a reverse T3 problem that could explain the normal ferritin. She got a medical consultation from a second doctor, and got a colonscopy. I was curious if anyone knew what I should expect at the hemotologist visit as they assess me for Iron infusions and how that process would work. I am new to this however am relieved to know there are other people out there experiencing what I am experiencing. D levels were also found to be deficient. Recently she found a Dr. My last blood tests, determined that my iron saturation was on the low side. I am a healthy 29yr old female who is very active with a high functioning personality so laying around the house all day for weeks on end scared of another panic attack has me feeling so defeated. I had one in Novemwber but unfortunately all the iron i had has dissapeared again. ANd as Annette mentioned, gluten can cause leaky gut ( and malabsorption of all nutrients). Best to you all n your own challenges with this iron dilemmia. I lay in a recliner, the nurse offered a warm blanket:-), they set you up and you get your iron. I have begun taking these and feel loads better. Went to the emergency room and found out during a bunch of blood work that I was mildly anemic. in Dec. He has not moved foward with any other tests to rule out other types of internal bleeding issues. I suffered with a subchorionic hemorrhage and lost a ton of blood at the beginning of the pregnancy and was told twice I was miscarrying. My doctor reccomended I take iron suppliments but. Fast forward to last October, diagnosed with horrible anemia. I have tolerated treatment fine with no tummy upset. Quite concerned for her and her unborn child. This all started back in august when I was short of breath so I ended up in ER to find out Potassium was very low had to get 4 bags. The doctor is going to check 30 days after treatment which is the week of July 19. Melanie, I want to say up front that I am not a Dr. It takes a few months for the villi to fully recover so be patient. because melatonin could interfere with hormone levels and cause different issues). I know it is not this simple fix for everyone, we all are different and can have more than one thing going on at a time - thyroid, Vt D etc but I hope I may have put some things in perspective for someone. until I read about the symptoms of iron deficiency I had no idea that the pica could be related. Still waiting for that new woman because she never showed up. I am now 52 and have always suffered from heavy periods which have been more erratic over the last couple of years. I wish you all healthy blood- reclaimed energy and God bless - Kate. I think it may be because my iron is low. I need to correct myself in my last post. this has helped tremendously. It was 2006 before I even knew I had low ferritin (10 at the time). LIbe Kate said - watch the combination foods that inhibit absorption of iron. 6 back in February. I have been told that I will have to learn to live with feeling this way. Should I be pushing for a different diagnosis. My diet is almost totally non dairy, a do green smoothies and juicing. ) that it affected my studies, work, and relationships. I had been told by the consultant who prescribed the iron that it would take 6 to 12 months to restore my iron levels and to feel better. The NP finally did listen and did follow up iron tests. I feel so lost and frustrated and not sure what to do. My fear is that the problem is with the ferritin but not with iron in my body. Want to get started on something effective as soon as possible. sore tongue, itching all over, restless legs, dizzy, rapid heart rate at just walking, and breathlessness. Over the past year, I have had 14 iron infusions. I can truthfully say the iron infusions make me feel like a different person. Injectafer treatment may be repeated if iron deficiency anemia reoccurs. I used to feel like the odd woman out, until I read all of your entries. My face is very pale in color, my tongue is red, and hurts, fatigued the majority of the time. 8. My anemia began with taking Advil (Ibuprofen) every single day for years. Hi Lisa, I have had several iron infusions. My doctor would like me to consider birth control pills to control my mennorhagia (extremely heavy periods) but I am reluctant due to a family history of breast cancer and other cancers. My iron levels were all within the normal range but at the very low end, with the exception of my FE which was mid range. I have iron deficiency and have just started iron loading orally with ferrous biglycinate (ferrous sulfate makes me vomit). So weak. I have to wait until I bleed out and my levels drop to threatening levels in order for my insurance to pay for the Iron infusion. 3 to 46. I take two 25mg iron capsules in the am and 2 at noon and 2 in the pm. My last iron level was 25 but hemoglobin has stayed within normal range (last taken on Wednesday June 8, 2011). When my iron panel levels drop I get Iron IV for 6 weeks and I get back to feeling like a vibrant me. (Ferritin was 3, hgb 8. I have two young children, and a husband who need me. Like my world is clearer and the dark curtain was lifted. I have been gluten free for a year but still have troubles with iron and b12. Does anyone know how long it takes to work. I take 400mg of Magnesium and 1000mg of Vitamin C with the iron. I also had no knowledge of all the foods that inhibit iron absorption until I found this website and did further research. My underlying concern is why the ferritin is so low, and why we have no doctors to tell us what this is a symptom of. I take iron pills and eat foods rich in iron but very little is absorbed. I am careful not to drink milk, coffee or tea or eat any dairy when I take them as these can bind with the iron and block absorption. Doc wants me to have the ablasion or IUD inserted which I am really resisting. and my medical knowledge is only based on experiences of my own or that of my family. I ignored her because I eat mainly green leafy vegetables, red meat, lentils, whole grain cereals fortified with iron. My last blood tests were done in 2010 which came back normal, and although they are normal I take one iron tablet each day (and still eating sunflower seeds) to maintain my levels. It otherwise seems to help with my rls and fatigue and strangely enough has helped my depression. He said I should feel some relieve almost instantly. My school nurse had given me a blood test and they had tested it at a nearby health clinic. 5 years ago and they worked pretty well. This time I am hoping someone can give me advice about my 15-yr old son. Thank You, the feeling of others experiencing what I have been going through is in itself healing. I told my physiology teacher this but it kind of freaked me out when she said that she heard of a story similar to mines where a friend of hers had the same problem as me, as the friend had it as a result of a stomach ulcer. I have found that even when you go to the same kind of doctor, with the exact same symptoms, you can get a different diagnosis and a different action plan. Until puberty, he was also chubby, even though his diet was (and still is) very good. I was very tired all the time until my doctor did blood work for vitimin D and I was quite low. So. Her doctor does not want her taking any supplements at this point. ) This lasts about 3-4 months. The onlynmedication i take regularly is adderall 20 mg, but I have been on this medication for nearly 4 years, and acetamenophen lately because I have been getting severe headaches and joint pains, and even more recently chest pains. Wanted to add, I am 39. It was a lot shorter than some of the other postings. He says if we looked in my bone marrow, I would have zero stores of iron. Just read through many of the messages- and wanted to say - PLEASE check your diets. It is available in the US under the name Ferrets IPS - and has super bioavailablity and is very well tolerated- and tastes great- its a liquid. I was 29, not over weight, low-fat diet and had been experiencing episodes since the age of 12 as well. As far as my blood work its always been pretty normal accept for by type II diabetes which its the one thing that is under control now. I have tried every supplement on the market, and my levels are not increasing ( I can imaging what they would be like if I had not taken any supplements). I take b12 injections every two weeks and 100 mg of iron per day. Any unused drug remaining after injection must be discarded. I feel like I cannot even get up without getting so out of breath. My FAVORITE in the the beginning was an old heart doctor that was looking at my good heart tests after I started having lots of palpitations due to anemia. If anyone has any input about the joint and muscle pain after taking iron supplementation please let me know. But my Ferritin is 51 which is in the normal range. I have been taking only 50 mg of iron daily due to intense nausea. mother of 2, wife, and work full time. to go back on, no reason, not to eat it. I have been on iron supplements ever since. Think of HGB HCT and Platelets as the Roof. I also occasionally get numb or tingly fingers and toes, like the sensation when you hit your funny bone. His attention level and tolerance level both increased. I know when my iron is low. I strive to reduce loss of blood any way I can. My husband ran me to the ER where I found out that my hemoglobin was sitting at a 5. Injectafer is indicated for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adult patients. I am taking 2 chewable iron pills a day and 2 ferra sumate iron pills a day. And despite my high iron AND vitamin c intake could I still have this defficiency. Was put on vit D tablets and had appointment for a colonoscopy. 6 and Percent saturation of 7. I will be receiving my final IV treatment today. e. For patients weighing less than 50 kg (110 lb). I have had an extremely strong drive to eat as much chalk as I can for as long as I can every day. He doctor said that it was necessary as she was not due for another one in four years. I even feel that certain fabrics on my skin are intolerable. They just treated each symptom and never the whole picture. My question is this level low enough to get a blood transfusion, or Iv iron. It is hard to be excited about things when you feel so bad. I wanted to drop a line and a few questions about my own low iron due to heavy periods. I have had to be persistent with my doctors and they have acted only because of research I have done a lot of the time. All your stories have been informative and helpful and I hope in the near future everyone of us gets sorted and feel like our old selves. Just wanted to get an idea if any of you are able to work. 9 and hematocrit was 27. The doc said that this is the best absorbed iron out there for people with sensitive stomachs. I was very very sick, and the heart pounding came on very fast. Drs and nurses say they have never heard of this. Always heavy periods but not convinced that is the culprit. However the negative symptoms are increasing, my racing heart, dizziness, headaches and body aches are nearly unbearable. The Drs are still telling me that that is not the issue, but to bad, I am actually feeling human again. It negatively impacted my life to such an extent (heart palpitations, SVT, restless leg syndrome, depression, floating numb spots, anxiety, memory loss, cognitive impairment, problems with comprehension and communication, mood swings, etc. Today, I am contemplating how on earth I can keep working a full time job with how I feel. 5 so I got 2 pints of blood. The only side effects that I have experienced are swelling in the feet, ankles and hands, and not wanting to eat. com are great, they always have them in stock and their customer service is fantastic. That internal shaky feeling that made me think I was having constant anxiety (went away as my numbers got better). The 2 who have iron injections have never passed out, just felt tired so I never made a connection. Had a bleeding polyp that was removed a few weeks ago. So now I take 4000 iu per day and feel fine. I would greatly appreciate any advice on what kind of doctor we should see (hematologist, neurologist. If you stop the grains and sugars (carbs) you have to increase the fats, and eat normal amounts of protein. Exhaustion, headaches both symptoms I was having as well (still have but less severe). I have been feeling so unbelievealbly ill for such a long time that I went and saw my doctor. My dr has referred me to a hematologist and scheduled a sigmoidoscopy (which I am postponing until after my iron infusions). They say I have a Polyp and they say will remove that but want me to gain weight. Then one night, my heart started pounding very hard. No matter what I did, even sitting still, and I had episodes of feeling confused. Maybe the 1st couple of days I feel ok, but I feel I am still tired. Since my remission from that autoimmune disease, I have been anemic. All other blood work comes back absolutely perfect (thyroid, etc. Your can also replace vitimin D by being in the sun. Thank you. I asked them to take pressure again because it was low at the dentist once and when they did it again it was normal. I have had many blood transfusions and many iron transfusions but I keep going up and down. 6 as of last week but my ferritin level stays between 1-3. She looked at my tongue and said that my vitimins are not being absorbed as needed, and I was most likely in iron. My doctor said this was a precursore to anemia and I should get it checked out with a hematologist. I felt better as well and my blood actually was getting red instead of black. I was told to take 325 mg of iron twice a day but I am unable to take this. I have not noticed ANY difference in how I am feeling for the better. 6 Having my iron levels tested next week and am stopping iron supps today. Get you copper status checked. His PLMD improved minimally, based on sleep study results, and the fatigue and ADD seemed to be helped by Adderall. Each mL of Injectafer contains 50 mg of elemental iron. Would try the iron pots thing myself but i cannot cook for myself. Like the movies there was a Dr at the restaurant who came to help and called the ambulance. We have discontinued all of the meds at this point. I am set to have four Venofer infusions, one every two weeks. Hello again I just got back from hospital hemoglobin dropped to 6. I was diagnosed as borderline hypothyroid about 5 months ago and have been taking synthroid ever since. 79 hgb from 12. It was only because I went to a research facility that I was finally able to understand what has been happening and treat it (with a heavy-dose iron infusion). I was just diagnosed as IDA last week and had my first of 4 Iron Infusions last Friday. I know this will take awhile, but hopefully it will help me. I also started on Testosterone supplement and I think that can incerase these numbers. I saw a sleep specialist last week because I have been sleeping terribly and am exhausted constantly. Could someone perhaps tell me what the limits are for posting iron deficiency postings here. Not many docs are very good at looking for this. We all know our numbers and bodies and symptoms better than anyone else. , experienced extreme insomnia, and depression. I have suffered from anemia all my life as far back as the age of 6. However I have tested negative for sickle cell and even negative for carrying the trait. Here is the blood test results iga serum 235 ferritin 27 rdw 247 platelets 247 is it iron deficiency. My husband has it and only had neurological symptoms, no gut symptoms at all. 6 hours in all after the inicial tester that they do. I have been deficient for years and I think I finally see a light. I would go to your GP or a hematologist asap. I was told 3 weeks from the infusion I would feel like a new woman. When I was taking those vitamins for a long while, the dizziness stopped altogether. Maybe some of you have hypothyroidism, or adrenal fatigue. We started him on melatonin (I would not suggest this without talking to a Dr. can my iron levels fluctuate every day or are they a pretty constant sort of thing. I can hardly sit at my desk and stay awake and I am fine. I take 30mg of Natural Desiccated Thyroid Hormone every morning and it has changed my life. I suffered from Iron Anaemia and Iron Storage Anaemia (3 out of 4 stores where extremely low) for a long time (since 2004) and found that iron supplements from blueskyvitamin. Hi, I have hypothyroidism, and low iron is a symptom and sometimes a cause of this. If anyone here is taking Nexium or similar drug, be warned. My ferritin was 25 and the doc said it should be over 60 to be normal for me. She can not see a Dr. He does not get really sick or have hives or anything like that. He was diagnosed in Stage 3 of Kidney Disease. Hi Lisa, I have just started my first series of iron transfusions yesterday. because we have no insurance and even if she could there is no insurance to cover the cost of treatment. For patients weighing 50 kg (110 lb) or more.

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